“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
The right to keep and bear arms is not about hunting, target shooting or even self-defense from criminal attack. The right to keep and bear arms is nothing less than the right have the means to overthrow our own government if/when it become destructive to the ends of securing our rights. Inside this book:
Five Things Every American Citizen Must Understand About the Right to Keep and Bear Arms:
> The source of the right to keep and bear arms
> The purpose of the Second Amendment
> The Second Amendment is not an anachronism.
> The right to keep and bear arms has already been “infringed.”
> What will happen if/when our government tries to disarm us.
How armed citizens keep all Americans free, even if no one ever fires a shot. Confronting the myths about violence:
> The threat of violence is violence.
> Government is force and violence is explicit in everything it does.
> The implicit violence of an armed citizenry is the only thing that can hold the explicit violence of government in check.
> We cannot utterly renounce violence without renouncing the threat of it, and without the threat of it tyranny is inevitable.
If there is a God, and if He is the source of our rights and our liberty, then the government we have empowered does not have the authority to withdraw or “suspend” our rights. But if we have no eternal Master, any rights and liberty we enjoy are ours solely at the sufferance of our government and our freedom may be withdrawn by it at any time it chooses.
The debate about the existence of God is not just a moral/philosophical rhetorical exercise. The question of the existence of God is fundamental to our survival as individuals, societies and even as a species. The history of Mankind provides ample proof that without the check on our behavior that belief in God provides, the horrors that we may inflict upon our fellow men is limited only by the destructive resources at our disposal, and these are now virtually unlimited.
If a man’s freedom and his life are not given to him by God, then who is to say that it is wrong to enslave or kill him? And if God has given us the right to our lives, our liberty and the pursuit of our own happiness, how are we to defend those rights against a tyrant who would take them?