Tag Archives: joe biden treason


As America lives through the worst foreign policy disaster possibly in its history, it already looks like there will be very little accountability for anyone besides President Joe Biden–and little enough for him. But there are plenty of others who bear great responsibility for our nation’s humiliation and the deaths of Americans and Afghans — both recent and soon to come. Obviously the brown-nosing, butt-kissing political hack generals who stood by and watched this debacle unfold, all while nodding obediently and repeating, “yes sir, yes sir, yes sir.” How tragic that none of them had the courage of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who just lost his command, his commission and his pension* for speaking publicly about the failure in leadership that has betrayed America’s warriors, her friends and the entire nation.

Next on my list is the First Lady, “Doctor” Jill Biden. She, more than anyone else, knew that this man was not competent to lead a dog to the yard, much less the most powerful nation on earth. I won’t speculate as to why she went along with this fraud, but she had to know what kind of condition he was in when she was hiding him in the basement during the campaign, leading him here and there and helping to cover up his obvious inadequacy to the task. I have to wonder if her absence from the public eye of late is due to shame. No, I don’t think so. All of these people are far beyond shame.

Speaking of shame, the mainstream media should be feeling it, but they aren’t. It was the mainstream media that decided anyone was better than Donald Trump and of all the “anyones” available, Joe Biden was the most likely to defeat the hated Enemy of the Swamp. They shamelessly shilled for him, covered up his gaffes, glossed over his inadequacies, excused his bewildering absence from the campaign trail and finally, in an epic example of journalistic malfeasance, dishonesty and election interference that will surely go down in history, blacked out the news about Hunter’s laptop and perpetuated the lie that the story was “Russian disinformation.” They are turning on him now, but they put him in office and bear a heaping big steaming pile of guilt.

Along those same lines the leaders of the Democratic Party surely bear a lion’s share, for once they decided (just like the MSM) that of all those in the race Joe was the only one with a snowball’s chance of defeating Trump, they cheated their party’s voters and made a mockery of democracy in order to make sure that he was the eventual nominee. It the same thing that they did for Hilary, but Biden would have fared no better than Rodham-Clinton except for the next guilty party on our list.

No list of recriminations would be complete without mentioning the “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” the operatives who organized and carried out the most massive–and consequential–election theft in American history. Lawyers who helped bring the lawsuits in the months leading up to the 2020 election, forcing unconstitutional voting law changes in key battleground states that unleashed a tidal wave of mail-in ballots; judges who placed their finger on the scales of justice to achieve a political goal–and we must not here forget those Supreme Court Justices who turned their backs on the Constitution and allowed unconstitutional changes in voting laws to stand before the election and after; operatives who harvested hundreds of thousands of those mailed-out ballots from the confused elderly, the corrupt indifferent and those who never even knew that their unsolicited mail-in ballot had been waylaid; the election workers who carried in the boxes, bags, bundles and in some cases pallets of illegitimate ballots and even gathered around marking them for Joe Biden before placing them into the mix; the workers who ran stacks of ballots through the counting machines over and over; the managers who covered all of this up, ordering authorized poll-watchers off of the counting floor in direct violation of the law; and of course let us not forget the police officers and deputies who did the strong-arm dirty work for these thieves, threatening poll-watchers with arrest and tossing them out, leaving their own posts at opportune moments to facilitate the crimes, violating their oath to defend and protect the United States Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and in so doing became one of those enemies most foul. I hope that all of these people are aware tonight that they have earned a special kind of dishonor among those who foisted this illegitimate, incompetent, corrupt and possibly treasonous administration upon America. The blood of the men and women of our military, as well as the blood of all others who have died and who will die around the world and here in America because of their perfidy cries out from the soil. I hope that they will hear that cry for the rest of their lives and (unless they repent) from a very, very special place in hell.

*Scheller resigned his commission just three years from retirement after being summarily stripped of his command for speaking out publicly to demand accountability of his superiors for the debacle in Afghanistan. For contrast, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman listened in to a phone call by the Commander-in-Chief, revealed details about the conversation that “concerned” him, and launched the absurd political impeachment of Donald Trump. Vindman was lauded and protected by the the deep state and the Pentagon and was eventually promoted to full colonel before his retirement.