I have heard just about enough of this. Joe Biden (and others) have been accusing Donald Trump of being personally responsible for every single Covid-19 death in America–despite the following facts:
- Original “expert” projections were closer to two million deaths. 200k was the “minimum” projection, “if we do everything right.”
- Donald Trump’s actions at the beginning, such as banning travel from China and later Europe, were quick, bold, and almost universally condemned by those who are now criticizing him.
- The president’s efforts to galvanize American industry to manufacture and distribute PPE, new medications and vaccines were groundbreaking and effective, bypassing years of ponderous, bureaucratic red tape.
- The Covid-19 death rate in the US is 2.7%, well behind many other industrialized nations such as Australia (3.3%) France (3.8%) Ireland (4.1%) Canada (5.1%) the UK (6%) and Italy (8.8%).
- When Joe Biden describes his plan for dealing with the pandemic, everything he says he will do is something that the Trump administration has already done or is doing.
- Finally, almost half of America’s Covid-19 deaths are nursing-home related and most of those are in five blue states where governors ordered nursing homes to accept Covid-19 positive patients. These are the same Democratic governors who applauded President Trump’s quick response when he was showering them with newly manufactured ventilators and PPE and building them Covid-19 hospitals (that remained virtually unused) but who are now joining the partisan chorus condemning the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic.
There’s simply too much to say about this to try to get it into a single post (even one my ridiculously long rants) but there are three things I do want to say. I’ll try to be brief.
If we’re going to talk about bloody hands, let’s first talk about the unknown thousands of elderly Americans who died alone because of the criminally stupid decision of their Democratic governor to send other infected patients back to their facilities. I say “unknown” because these numbers have been deliberately obscured and the full scope of this tragedy hidden. In New York, for instance, elderly patients who contracted the Wuhan virus in their nursing home but then later died in a hospital have specifically been excluded from “nursing home” deaths. New York Governor Mario Cuomo, while taking victory laps and publishing self-congratulatory books about how well he handled the crisis (the highest number of reported deaths, 34,399, almost twice that of the nearest competitor, New Jersey) has had plenty of time to stonewall, silence critics and short-circuit any investigation into his contribution to the deaths of thousands of his elderly citizens.
Let’s also talk about the people who have died or will die because they have been denied a simply, safe, inexpensive and effective prophylaxis/treatment for the Wuhan Virus that preexisted the pandemic by about 84 years: hydroxychloroquine. Since it was mentioned as a “game changer” by Donald Trump early on, the Deep State, Medical Establishment and Mainstream Media immediately attacked his recommendation as ignorant and dangerous quackery. They asserted that there was “no evidence” that it was at all effective (there was plenty of evidence) suggested that it could be very dangerous (it has been used safety for almost 100 years and is considered safer than Tylenol) and began cooking up distorted and deeply flawed “studies” to “prove” both assertions. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has suggested we should never shake hands again but considers anonymous sex a matter in which you can “weigh the risk,” and who declared masks ineffective at one time and argues in favor of a nationwide mask “mandate” now, quickly declared that hydroxychloroquine should not be used until we had the results of long-term, double-blind studies to demonstrate that it was “safe” even though it has been safely used to treat malaria all around the world for almost a century–and even though studies all over the world had already (and still do) prove its efficacy in preventing and treating Covid-19. In a way, this is actually Donald Trump’s fault. He should have know that the Deep State, Medical Establishment and Mainstream Media would attack the drug just to try to make him look bad. He also could have easily predicted that Big Pharma would attack. Hydroxychloroquine is cheap and no longer protected by patent. Nobody is going to make millions off of it. But only God knows how many people have died and will die that could have been saved by this safe and inexpensive medication. Just so that they could try to make Donald Trump look bad.
But if we’re going to talk about blood on hands, we have to talk about this:
I agree with you 100%. I do believe that Covid will no longer be the lead story on November 4th.
After seeing the total number of deaths from ALL causes from 2016 to 2020, I have concluded that Covid cured most other causes of death! Or at least that is what the numbers show…
When you point out that even accidental deaths are down, the answer is “well, people are staying home because of the pandemic.” But it’s hard to see how heart disease, cancer and strokes are curtailed by the Wuhan virus, huh? I’d like to see an exhaustive comparison, but I’m no statistician. Great to hear from you!