Tag Archives: covid-19

Irreparable Harm

The Biden administration’s spokesperson is warning us to buy Christmas presents now (whatever we can find) because things aren’t going to get here by Christmas. Container ships are massing off the coasts near major ports. There are no dock workers to unload the ships and no truck drivers to haul the goods to market. The time and cost of shipping finished goods here has multiplied…and of course so many of our finished goods have to be shipped here because manufacturing jobs have been streaming away from the United States for decades…mostly to China

China, where our own government was funding the Chinese military’s biological warfare program, which used “gain of function” research (thank you, Dr. Fauci!) to create a virus that, once released (possibly by accident, possibly on purpose) would go on to kill millions of people around the world…

That Dr. Antony Fauci, who decreed that observing Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas with family was not allowed due to concerns about spreading the virus, but who approved the BLM and Antifa mass protests and riots that torched cities and wounded and killed citizens while the police were vilified, attacked, defunded, demoralized, handcuffed, ordered to stand down and forced to watch the cities they swore to defend descend into chaos, wanton crime and violence…

That virus, which has killed 700,000 or so Americans (if you trust our government’s numbers) devastated our economy and served as the impetus for a completely unprecedented seizure of unconstitutional powers by our governments, federal and many states…

Those governments, which have ordered businesses and churches closed, ordered citizens to remain in their homes, ordered citizens to wear masks, and now ordered citizens to accept a vaccine or face dire consequences, such as exclusion from public venues, accommodations and transport, and/or the loss of their livelihood…

That vaccine, which was produced using a completely new biological process (and aborted fetal tissue in some cases for production and others for testing, at least according to what we have been told) and which involves possibly severe side-effects (particularly for those with natural antibodies, who do not need the vaccine at all) but is required for all Americans regardless of their natural antibody status or personal medical decisions…

Those side effect that we suspect are not being accurately reported due to our government’s paramount concern that the truth might increase “vaccine hesitancy” but which even the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) demonstrates to be significant and in some cases very serious…

That concern about Covid-19 and the need for vaccination, which is so serious that this government has dropped our southern border, refused to enforce immigration law, and not just allowed but openly abetted the introduction of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants few (if any) of whom are vaccinated, a great many of whom are infected, and none of whom are required to take that vaccine...

I know, that was all essentially one long run-on sentence, but there is a method to the madness. The first wave of firings have begun, firings of the people who refuse to accept that vaccine–and some who have been vaccinated but are standing in solidarity with those resisting tyranny.

  • As our struggling economy tries to find its feet, when businesses in every field are suffering for a lack of workers, many of them are going to be fired (or quit) because they will not obey Joe Biden’s order.
  • As transportation and logistics companies struggle with recovery, and on the cusp of what may be the most severe disruption of global supply chains in modern history, pilots, flight attendants, luggage handlers, crane operators, truck drivers and so many other workers will be fired (or quit) because they will not obey Joe Biden’s order.
  • As crime rates in most major cities are skyrocketing, police officers are going to be fired (or quit) because they will not obey Joe Biden’s order.
  • As hospitals and other emergency medical services are struggling to cope with the pandemic and a backlog of “ordinary” medical conditions, doctors, nurses, paramedics and firefighters are going to be fired (or quit) because they will not obey Joe Biden’s order.
  • And while our country faces strategic threats around the world, a rising and increasingly aggressive China, the utter loss of international respect engendered by Biden’s disastrous retreat debacle in Afghanistan and the prospect of internal collapse and unrest, a great many of our service men and women, who have put their all on the line for this nation, are facing dismissal (and, as Joe Biden has decreed) a dishonorable discharge for refusing to obey Joe Biden’s order. (Just to be clear, since they are members of the military service, it is an unlawful and unconstitutional order from a commander-in-chief who is incompetent, incoherent, demonstrably mentally compromised and demonstrably national security compromised by China.)

I often thought during the Obama administration that our president was taking actions that he knew were detrimental to our nation’s health. I believed (and still do) that he was not motivated by a desire to see America thrive and (as the 45th President was to say) “make America great again!” Barack Obama did not and does not like America (like all liberal/progressives) much less love it. He (and they) want to “fundamentally change” America, and you do not want to fundamentally change something that you love or even like.

But even Barack Obama tried to give the impression that he was for America. He tried to let us believe that he was working in our nation’s best interests. The administration of Joe Biden has no interest in fostering that illusion. His administration does not wish to contribute to America’s greatness or even work for its survival. Every action taken by this administration so far has been calculated to do the most harm possible to our country.

Harm that likely will be irreparable.

Bloody Hands

I have heard just about enough of this. Joe Biden (and others) have been accusing Donald Trump of being personally responsible for every single Covid-19 death in America–despite the following facts:

  • Original “expert” projections were closer to two million deaths. 200k was the “minimum” projection, “if we do everything right.”
  • Donald Trump’s actions at the beginning, such as banning travel from China and later Europe, were quick, bold, and almost universally condemned by those who are now criticizing him.
  • The president’s efforts to galvanize American industry to manufacture and distribute PPE, new medications and vaccines were groundbreaking and effective, bypassing years of ponderous, bureaucratic red tape.
  • The Covid-19 death rate in the US is 2.7%, well behind many other industrialized nations such as Australia (3.3%) France (3.8%) Ireland (4.1%) Canada (5.1%) the UK (6%) and Italy (8.8%).
  • When Joe Biden describes his plan for dealing with the pandemic, everything he says he will do is something that the Trump administration has already done or is doing.
  • Finally, almost half of America’s Covid-19 deaths are nursing-home related and most of those are in five blue states where governors ordered nursing homes to accept Covid-19 positive patients. These are the same Democratic governors who applauded President Trump’s quick response when he was showering them with newly manufactured ventilators and PPE and building them Covid-19 hospitals (that remained virtually unused) but who are now joining the partisan chorus condemning the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic.

There’s simply too much to say about this to try to get it into a single post (even one my ridiculously long rants) but there are three things I do want to say. I’ll try to be brief.

If we’re going to talk about bloody hands, let’s first talk about the unknown thousands of elderly Americans who died alone because of the criminally stupid decision of their Democratic governor to send other infected patients back to their facilities. I say “unknown” because these numbers have been deliberately obscured and the full scope of this tragedy hidden. In New York, for instance, elderly patients who contracted the Wuhan virus in their nursing home but then later died in a hospital have specifically been excluded from “nursing home” deaths. New York Governor Mario Cuomo, while taking victory laps and publishing self-congratulatory books about how well he handled the crisis (the highest number of reported deaths, 34,399, almost twice that of the nearest competitor, New Jersey) has had plenty of time to stonewall, silence critics and short-circuit any investigation into his contribution to the deaths of thousands of his elderly citizens.

Let’s also talk about the people who have died or will die because they have been denied a simply, safe, inexpensive and effective prophylaxis/treatment for the Wuhan Virus that preexisted the pandemic by about 84 years: hydroxychloroquine. Since it was mentioned as a “game changer” by Donald Trump early on, the Deep State, Medical Establishment and Mainstream Media immediately attacked his recommendation as ignorant and dangerous quackery. They asserted that there was “no evidence” that it was at all effective (there was plenty of evidence) suggested that it could be very dangerous (it has been used safety for almost 100 years and is considered safer than Tylenol) and began cooking up distorted and deeply flawed “studies” to “prove” both assertions. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has suggested we should never shake hands again but considers anonymous sex a matter in which you can “weigh the risk,” and who declared masks ineffective at one time and argues in favor of a nationwide mask “mandate” now, quickly declared that hydroxychloroquine should not be used until we had the results of long-term, double-blind studies to demonstrate that it was “safe” even though it has been safely used to treat malaria all around the world for almost a century–and even though studies all over the world had already (and still do) prove its efficacy in preventing and treating Covid-19. In a way, this is actually Donald Trump’s fault. He should have know that the Deep State, Medical Establishment and Mainstream Media would attack the drug just to try to make him look bad. He also could have easily predicted that Big Pharma would attack. Hydroxychloroquine is cheap and no longer protected by patent. Nobody is going to make millions off of it. But only God knows how many people have died and will die that could have been saved by this safe and inexpensive medication. Just so that they could try to make Donald Trump look bad.

But if we’re going to talk about blood on hands, we have to talk about this:

Home of the brave

President Trump left the hospital yesterday, and he made a short speech, calling on Americans not to let Covid-19 “dominate” them. “Don’t be afraid of it,” he told us. Not unexpectedly, the Democrats, leftists and mainstream media (pretty-much all one in the same) went insane over his comments. They are furious that the president would dare to tell Americans not to fear Covid-19.

In my last blog, I wrote about projection and how common it is for the left to accuse their enemies in general and Mr. Trump in particular of exactly what they are doing. Most likely, they are simply following the tactical advice of their philosophical progenitor, Karl Marx. But it is also possible that this is truly psychological projection: seeing in others what you know is in yourself. They think that Trump and the Republicans want to use fear to manipulate and control America’s citizens because that is exactly what they do, day in and day out.

Climate Crisis: “If we don’t do something about it in the next 12 years, it’s going to be too late!” Hurricanes and tornadoes will multiply. California will burn down. The seas will rise. Coastal cities will disappear. Polar bears will go hungry. We are all going to die. It’s true (and they know it) that there is not one shred of actual scientific evidence that man has anything to do with rising global temperatures (and not a whole lot of evidence that global temperatures are actually rising significantly). And it’s true that they have been making these dire predictions for the last 30 years. But none of that matters, because they hope that fear of these things can stampede Americans into accepting sweeping, outrageous and draconian restrictions on our liberties.

BLM and Racism: “Racist white cops (and black ones too) are cruising the streets, just looking for a young black man that they can kill.” I really can’t gauge how many young black men have fallen for this lie, because in all of the videos I’ve seen of the “peaceful” protests/riots in American cities, most of the masked faces I see seem to be college age white kids. Statistical evidence proves that this is a lie, and just based on common sense I think that ordinary young black men probably do not seriously believe that cops are hunting them down with murderous intent. Antifa and the communist revolutionaries are probably the primary source of the unrest–and that should not surprise us, since Black Lives Matter is an avowedly Marxist organization intent on overthrowing our system of government and our freedom. But African-Americans are not the sole target of this campaign of fear. If Donald Trump is reelected, it’s going to get worse…much worse, they assert ominously. “There ain’t no light at the end of the tunnel,” says Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. If Trump wins, “f***ing cities will burn,” says a Sanders staffer. The message is clear: vote for us or we will burn this country down. They hope that their message of fear will sway American voters.

Covid-19: If you’ll give it some thought, you will remember that the virus first raised it’s ugly head just as the Democrat impeachment fiasco was reaching its absurd climax, and they and the mainstream media dismissed it as a distraction from the real story of Donald Trump’s treasonous quid-pro-quo and “obstruction of justice.” When President Trump closed the borders to travel from China, Biden called it “hysterical” and “xenophobic,” and the mainstream media condemned the action as useless showboating. But as soon as it became clear that their original optimism based on the reassurances of the Communist Chinese Party was wrong, they ramped up the fear-machine, predicting “2.2 million” deaths in the United States from the novel coronavirus of 2019. (“200 million” is the number that worked its way deep into Joe Biden’s head and continues to pop up there from time to time as Covid-19 mortality and, occasionally, the number of Americans killed by guns in the last decade or so.) Two hundred thousand was the number sometimes offered as the minimum, if we “did everything right.” In deep blue states and cities, Democrat governors and mayors were quick to use fear of the Wuhan Virus as a means to seize extraordinary “emergency” powers–powers that they are extremely reluctant to now relinquish. Telling everyone else what they can and cannot do is, after all, what tyrants enjoy most, and they will never let a good crisis go to waste. Entire state economies were shut down and millions lost their jobs. Small businesses closed for good, while mega-businesses like Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot and Lowe’s did extremely well. Liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries were allowed to stay open as “essential,” while health clubs, gyms and beauty salons were ordered closed (except when Nancy Pelosi or Mayor Lori Lightfoot needed a trim). Churches and synagogues were ordered closed and the religious disobedient were threatened with arrest and told that their rights “had been suspended.” For the most part, Americans accepted these unconstitutional orders, fearing the virus as much as the wrath of their despotic rulers.

Fear, fear, fear. People who are afraid are easy to control. That’s what terrorists know. That’s why terrorism is effective. That’s why what the Democrats and the left are doing to America now is nothing short of political terrorism. When Donald Trump stands up before the American people and tells them not to be afraid, he is demonstrating that he is exactly the kind of leader that we need now.

Fear is un-American! The first Americans faced a perilous journey halfway across the world to reach this continent. It was a rich land, but life was harsh and dangerous. Many starved, fell victim to pestilence or hostile natives. When the first settlements were secure, fearless men and women took their families and struck out into the wilderness, carving homesteads and farms out of the deep forests. Fearless Americans stood up to the greatest empire on earth at that time to win their freedom. Americans conquered the western lands, fighting for every inch of their new nation. Brave Americans went back across the seas twice to fight tyranny in the lands they had left, winning two world wars. Americans crossed the empty sky to reach the moon and place the flag of our nation there on its barren, lifeless soil.

I stand with Donald Trump one-hundred percent. We should not fear this virus. We should not fear “climate crisis.” We should not fear those who threaten us with violence if we do not obediently say “Black Lives Matter” when they harass us at our tables. We should not be afraid to speak out, say what we believe, put bumper stickers on our cars and signs in our yard. With some of these, the danger is real and others it is imaginary, but even if the danger is real, we should stand with our forefathers who did not fear the unknown forests to the west, the hostile indigenous peoples, the pestilence, the hunger, the darkness or the uncharted emptiness of space.

We are Americans, we are not cowards, and we will defeat this enemy just as we have defeated so many others. And God willing, in about one month, we will show the Democrats, the socialists, the leftists, the statists, the mainstream media, George Soros, BLM and Antifa that we do not fear them. Bring on your worst and we will give it back to you, because we are Americans and we are not afraid.

The Upside of Covid-19

It’s true that the pandemic has been a catastrophe for the entire world, but there is one silver lining. The death counts from the flu, emphysema, cancer, automobile accidents, suicides and a host of other common causes of mortality have plummeted!

No, we all know the reason that deaths from other causes have dwindled. It’s because of “guidance” from the CDC and good old-fashioned dishonesty that is chalking a host of other deaths up as due to the coronavirus when it was (or simply may have been) in the system of someone who died from other, unrelated causes. A few months ago, based on computer models that showed that millions of deaths could be expected, the “experts” demanded that our entire nation grind to a halt and “shelter in place” in order to save America from the Wuhan Virus. As more data has become available, though, it’s now starting to look like the voluntary self-immolation of the United States economy was–well, shall we say, premature? Now those “experts” have a vested interest in inflating the numbers of deaths from the coronavirus in order to protect their reputations.

Of course I’m not serious about the silver lining, but there are a couple of “good” things about this pandemic.

First, it has clearly demonstrated the folly of making monumental economic decisions based on computer models. Computer models are basically programs that manipulate data and draw “possible” conclusions from that data. They will never be any better than the data put into them and the skill and intentions of those who write the programs. In the case of Covid-19, we cannot (at this time) make any observations about the intentions of the model creators, but the data, from the very start, was deeply flawed and so were the conclusions drawn from the models. It’s now becoming clear that although it is unusually contagious, the death rate from the Wuhan Virus is not, under most circumstances, nearly as high as the models originally predicted.

More importantly, it has clearly demonstrated that there are a lot of people who govern us that are simply waiting for an excuse to seize and wield extraordinary, authoritarian powers over our daily lives. In states all across this country (usually “Blue” ones) governors effectively declared themselves King and have issued a wide raft of decrees that are supposed to keep us “safe” and save lives. In many cases, these emergency orders are arbitrary, stupid, counterproductive and dangerous, but the would-be dictators are wielding the police powers of their state to shutter business, close churches, order people from the streets, close beaches and harass mothers who allow their children out of the house to play with other children. They have issued decrees such as:

  • In some states, boating alone to fish or kayak was forbidden. In other cases, two people may boat together, but not three or more–regardless of the size of the boat.
  • Liquor stores may open for drive-through or parking lot pickup, but churches may not hold in-car services in the parking lot.
  • Marijuana stores may open, but not gun stores.
  • People may jog or run on the beach, but not stop or sit.
  • “Essential” stores like Wal-Mart, Home Depot or Lowe’s may open and practice “social distancing,” but small convenience stores may not.

We could go on and on, but let’s just draw the conclusion and finish up. This pandemic has given all of America a chance to see what life looks like under the control of leftists and statists (Democrats, mostly) when they gain power. Their goal is obvious: to gut the thriving Trump economy that seemed likely to propel him to a second term. But I think they underestimate the intelligence of the American people. As folks in Blue states watch the people in surrounding Red states go back to work, they are going to understand that it is their own Democratic state governments that have placed a boot on their necks. Come November, they won’t forget.