Tag Archives: Liberty

The 4th Amendment and General Warrants

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
— 4th Amendment, United States Constitution

Property to be seized:
All physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793,2071, or 1519, including the following:
> a. Any physical documents with classification markings, along with any containers/boxes (including any other contents) in which such documents are located, as well as any other containers/boxes that are collectively stored or found together with the aforementioned documents and containers/boxes;
> b. Information, including communications in any form, regarding the retrieval, storage, or transmission of national defense information or classified material;
> c. Any government and/or Presidential Records created between January 20.2017, and January 20, 2021; or
> d. Any evidence of the knowing alteration, destruction, or concealment of any government and/or Presidential Records, or of any documents with classification markings
— Search warrant for Mar-A-Lago, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida

The 4th Amendment was largely a reaction to the British government’s practice of issuing “General Warrants” which allowed the authorities to search a subject’s premises for any evidence of anything that they wanted to seize or could use to prosecute the subject. British soldiers would show up at your door, present the warrant (or not, if they didn’t want to) and then turn your house upside down, looking any any “evidence” that could be used against you.

All physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793,2071, or 1519.”

Read that carefully and look at the commas. The warrant was for “evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items…”

Did the Justice Department issue a “General Warrant” to go through Trump’s home looking for anything they could use against him? You tell me. They did it to Donald Trump, a billionaire, a former President and political opponent of the current administration. They can certainly do it to you. The difference is, no one will be hearing about it on Fox News or anywhere else when they come to your door.


[NOTE: With everything that’s going on, I’m sure some wonder why they haven’t heard anything out of me for a while. It’s a special kind of writer’s block. When I sit down to write something, instead I start to write everything. I’m trying (again) to overcome it with this post.]

The January 6 Commission is supposedly investigating an “insurrection” that was staged (they really hope to prove–one way or the other) by Donald Trump to prevent the “orderly transfer of power” after the stolen 2020 election. The fact is, there is an insurrection in progress in this country, but that ain’t it.

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

–The United States Declaration of Independence

Has our government now become “destructive” to the ends of securing our rights? I’m not going to try to make that case now (see introductory NOTE above) but I do want to point out that there is nothing wrong with our form of government. The United States was born as a constitutional republic, ruled by law (the Constitution) and not by the whims of men: not a king, not an autocracy nor even the ever-changing wishes of the majority (the mob).

The problem is that we are no longer governed by our constituted form of government. We are now governed (ruled) by an autocracy made up of individuals that, although they each swear an oath to “uphold and defend” the United States Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, do not intend to be restrained by the words that are the foundation of our properly constituted government. They themselves are, in fact, the most dire enemy that our Constitution has ever faced.

What has happened is indeed an insurrection. It took place over decades and happened so slowly that few noticed it, but we are no longer a constitutional republic, a nation governed by law and not by men. Donald Trump and those who support him are not the insurrectionists. The insurrectionists are those who are using the vast powers of an out-of-control government to harass, persecute and destroy him (and when it seems expedient to them) anyone around him. Why? Because he and those who support him seek to return to our nation’s foundation as a republic and overthrow their corrupt unconstitutional autocracy that has enriched and empowered them.

Weapons of War

As noted in a previous post, this time it is different and it looks as if Democrats and other enemies of freedom will finally accomplish another infringement on the “shall not be infringed” right of the people to keep and bear arms. One measure that Joe Biden, the Democrats and even some back stabbing Republicans seem to favor is putting some kind of restrictions (or outright bans) on so-called “weapons of war” such as the ubiquitous AR-15 rifle platform. But I have a serious warning for every trap or target shooter, plinker, sportsman, hunter or self-defense gun owner.

Don’t think that because you don’t own or use an AR-15, AK-47 or other “weapon of war” this infringement does not affect you. If the government succeeds in banning “weapons of war” (by that or any other name) then private ownership of all firearms in America will be doomed.

Wild-eyed hyperbole? No it is not. In U.S. v. Miller (1939) the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment did protect the right of American citizens to be armed, but upheld the National Firearms Act of 1934 on the grounds that the weapons banned (in this case, a short-barreled shotgun) were not shown to be suitable for use by “the militia.”

Of course that is ridiculous, since short-barreled shotguns have always been used by military forces ever since there were shotguns, but no evidence was presented to the court that such was the case. The NRA did not involve itself, and not even the defendant (Miller) was present to argue on behalf of the Second Amendment. And so the first significant “infringement” on the right to keep and bear arms was allowed to remain law.

What does that have to do with your .22 target pistol or over-under shotgun? By the clear ruling of the Supreme Court in this case (which has not been overturned or repudiated) the Second Amendment does not protect the right of Americans to own any firearm other than those “suitable” for use by the militia, that is “weapons of war.” If weapons of war are banned all other firearms will follow.

This is a good time to remember that all of our fundamental rights were bestowed upon us by God, not granted by government. They cannot be withdrawn by the political process. They cannot be rescinded by executive order, act of Congress or decree of the Supreme Court. They cannot even be taken by a majority vote of our deluded fellow citizens. Our fundamental rights, including the right to be armed for the defense of all the others, can only be stripped from us by force, if we allow it.

And that is why God gave us the right to keep and bear arms and why our Founding Fathers so valued it. That is why “weapons of war” are exactly the kind of firearms that the Second Amendment is talking about.

“This time it is different!”

I expect that everyone who reads this blog (both of you) were probably surprised that I haven’t posted anything in the wake of the last two mass shootings and the attendant cries for more gun control. I am now, because this time it truly is different.

But first, what is not different about these and virtually all mass shootings. I am not going to differentiate in the circumstances because in every case these things are always the same:

  • Gun laws currently in effect did not prevent the shooting because (a) the shooter got his weapon illegally, (b) the shooter purchased his weapon legally and successfully negotiated the legal hurdles already in place, and (c) none of the measures now being proposed would have prevented the shooter from obtaining a weapon. In case you’re thinking about raising the minimum age to purchase an “assault weapon” to 21, please see (a) above.
  • “Balls were dropped” left and right that contributed to the shooting happening or made it much worse. For example, so-called “red flags” in the shooter’s social media history were unnoticed, ignored or unreported, or mistakes (incredible, unbelievable mistakes) were made during the immediate response to the shooting. These balls are never addressed by new proposed laws and almost never is anyone held accountable.
  • And always the same is the immediate knee-jerk reaction of the Democrats and other leftists who cannot even wait for the victims’ funerals before politicizing the act with their repeated cries to disarm the law-abiding American public.

What is different this time? Counting on a “Red Tsunami” in November that they did little to earn other than step back and allow the Democratic Party to lurch leftward into woke Socialism, some Republicans now feel that they can betray American gun-owners without fear of repercussions at the ballot box.

Oh, there is one other thing that is always the same: every infringement on the right to keep and bear arms ever accomplished was enacted with the participation of so-called “supporters of the Second Amendment.” Please make note of the Republicans who jump on this train. They are traitors to their oath of office and the American people, and should be “primaried” during their next election cycle. Whoever they are.

The Tyrant’s Hammer

Speaking of insanity…

Don’t you wonder about why the progressive left is so eager to push utter nonsense like the idea of birthing persons, multiple gender identities, Critical Race Theory and such? It is the same reason that when you fly (back when the planes were still flying) the TSA made you open your bags, discard your baby’s milk, stand here, step there, take off your shoes, spread your arms in the naked x-ray machine, hold still while they feel you up, etc. It is the same reason that you must wear a mask–even though there is no science behind it.* It is the same reason that you must accept the vaccine or be excluded from public venues, transportation and lose your job–even though there is no explanation for how the unvaccinated can pose a threat to the vaccinated if the vaccine is effective.

The tyrant doesn’t give a rat’s posterior about the happiness of the LGBTQ++Whatever gang. They are simply a means to an end. The tyrant doesn’t care whether you believe in two or a thousand genders. The tyrant knows that there are only two but he intends to see them both enslaved.

The tyrant holds blacks, whites and everyone else in the same disregard. They are either pawns to assist his efforts or enemies to be overcome and enslaved or destroyed.

The tyrant knows that all of that nonsense at the airport has made no one safer in the air. He knows what you know: that there will never be another “hijacking” of a passenger jet because the passengers know what will happen and will take immediate action to stop it.

The tyrant knows that the mask is useless. That’s why he and his officers discard them when they think you won’t see, when they are visiting their hair salon, dining in their fine restaurants or partying at their multi-million dollar estates.

And the tyrant doesn’t care if you are protected from the Covid-19 virus by a vaccine, natural immunity or dumb luck. He doesn’t care if you avoid the virus and live or contract the virus and die. But he does care if you refuse to accept the vaccine that he has ordered for you.

Why? Because every time you step here, step there, raise your arms, take off your shoes, bend over… Every time that you allow yourself to be forced to call a man a woman because he pretends to be a woman… Every time that you agree to some stupid assertion such as “men can give birth”… Every time you admit that you are an “oppressor” just for being white, or “oppressed” just because you are black… Every time you subordinate your most personal health decisions to the orders of a tyrant…

Every time you do these things you are being conditioned to servitude. You are being trained to obey the Master’s voice. You are opening your mouth for the bit and bowing to the harness. Every time you surrender a bit of your freedom, you make the tyrant more your master and become more his slave.

I have been dismayed by how many Americans have so quickly yielded their liberty, fawned at the tyrant’s feet and held up their wrists and ankles for the chains. But I have been encouraged by how many Americans still retain the instinct to resist. To harden their necks against the yoke. To turn their backs on the tyrant, even when it is difficult and painful.

Yes, there is a tyrant in Washington, D.C. today, but all is not lost, for the star-spangled banner yet waves over the land of the free and the home of the brave.

*Trying to keep the virus out with a cloth mask is like trying to keep flies out of your home with chicken wire.

**How the vaccinated, who can still contract, carry and spread the virus just the same as the unvaccinated can be threatened by those who are unvaccinated (some of whom have natural immunity, which is demonstrably superior to the immunity obtained through the vaccine) remains one of the great mysteries of this pandemic.

Irreparable Harm

The Biden administration’s spokesperson is warning us to buy Christmas presents now (whatever we can find) because things aren’t going to get here by Christmas. Container ships are massing off the coasts near major ports. There are no dock workers to unload the ships and no truck drivers to haul the goods to market. The time and cost of shipping finished goods here has multiplied…and of course so many of our finished goods have to be shipped here because manufacturing jobs have been streaming away from the United States for decades…mostly to China

China, where our own government was funding the Chinese military’s biological warfare program, which used “gain of function” research (thank you, Dr. Fauci!) to create a virus that, once released (possibly by accident, possibly on purpose) would go on to kill millions of people around the world…

That Dr. Antony Fauci, who decreed that observing Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas with family was not allowed due to concerns about spreading the virus, but who approved the BLM and Antifa mass protests and riots that torched cities and wounded and killed citizens while the police were vilified, attacked, defunded, demoralized, handcuffed, ordered to stand down and forced to watch the cities they swore to defend descend into chaos, wanton crime and violence…

That virus, which has killed 700,000 or so Americans (if you trust our government’s numbers) devastated our economy and served as the impetus for a completely unprecedented seizure of unconstitutional powers by our governments, federal and many states…

Those governments, which have ordered businesses and churches closed, ordered citizens to remain in their homes, ordered citizens to wear masks, and now ordered citizens to accept a vaccine or face dire consequences, such as exclusion from public venues, accommodations and transport, and/or the loss of their livelihood…

That vaccine, which was produced using a completely new biological process (and aborted fetal tissue in some cases for production and others for testing, at least according to what we have been told) and which involves possibly severe side-effects (particularly for those with natural antibodies, who do not need the vaccine at all) but is required for all Americans regardless of their natural antibody status or personal medical decisions…

Those side effect that we suspect are not being accurately reported due to our government’s paramount concern that the truth might increase “vaccine hesitancy” but which even the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) demonstrates to be significant and in some cases very serious…

That concern about Covid-19 and the need for vaccination, which is so serious that this government has dropped our southern border, refused to enforce immigration law, and not just allowed but openly abetted the introduction of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants few (if any) of whom are vaccinated, a great many of whom are infected, and none of whom are required to take that vaccine...

I know, that was all essentially one long run-on sentence, but there is a method to the madness. The first wave of firings have begun, firings of the people who refuse to accept that vaccine–and some who have been vaccinated but are standing in solidarity with those resisting tyranny.

  • As our struggling economy tries to find its feet, when businesses in every field are suffering for a lack of workers, many of them are going to be fired (or quit) because they will not obey Joe Biden’s order.
  • As transportation and logistics companies struggle with recovery, and on the cusp of what may be the most severe disruption of global supply chains in modern history, pilots, flight attendants, luggage handlers, crane operators, truck drivers and so many other workers will be fired (or quit) because they will not obey Joe Biden’s order.
  • As crime rates in most major cities are skyrocketing, police officers are going to be fired (or quit) because they will not obey Joe Biden’s order.
  • As hospitals and other emergency medical services are struggling to cope with the pandemic and a backlog of “ordinary” medical conditions, doctors, nurses, paramedics and firefighters are going to be fired (or quit) because they will not obey Joe Biden’s order.
  • And while our country faces strategic threats around the world, a rising and increasingly aggressive China, the utter loss of international respect engendered by Biden’s disastrous retreat debacle in Afghanistan and the prospect of internal collapse and unrest, a great many of our service men and women, who have put their all on the line for this nation, are facing dismissal (and, as Joe Biden has decreed) a dishonorable discharge for refusing to obey Joe Biden’s order. (Just to be clear, since they are members of the military service, it is an unlawful and unconstitutional order from a commander-in-chief who is incompetent, incoherent, demonstrably mentally compromised and demonstrably national security compromised by China.)

I often thought during the Obama administration that our president was taking actions that he knew were detrimental to our nation’s health. I believed (and still do) that he was not motivated by a desire to see America thrive and (as the 45th President was to say) “make America great again!” Barack Obama did not and does not like America (like all liberal/progressives) much less love it. He (and they) want to “fundamentally change” America, and you do not want to fundamentally change something that you love or even like.

But even Barack Obama tried to give the impression that he was for America. He tried to let us believe that he was working in our nation’s best interests. The administration of Joe Biden has no interest in fostering that illusion. His administration does not wish to contribute to America’s greatness or even work for its survival. Every action taken by this administration so far has been calculated to do the most harm possible to our country.

Harm that likely will be irreparable.

“No Amendment is Absolute.”

It’s nice to know our president believes that. Of course we already knew that he and his “progressive” ilk do not believe that the Constitution itself is absolute. After all, it’s a “living, breathing document” that changes with the times. In other words, it doesn’t mean anything if it keeps them from doing what they want to do.

We’ve also known for a long time that the Second Amendment means nothing to them. Biden repeatedly claimed to be a “strong supporter” of the Second Amendment, often adding “I own a shotgun!” But he never hid his disdain for the right to keep and bear arms. In his eyes it means that the American people are entitled to own the firearms and ammunition that (for the moment) the government allows them to own. That’s like saying you have freedom of speech, provided you don’t say anything the government doesn’t like.

But now we know that he believes all the amendments are subject to interpretation, adjustment, change, disregard and whatever wind of government authority happens to blow. Drawing on Biden’s plans for the Second Amendment, some examples:

  • Freedom of religions is absolutely guaranteed — provided that your religion doesn’t offend anyone’s sexual preference or gender choices.
  • Freedom of the press will be respected — as long as the press does not report anything that the government considers “misinformation” (facts or opinions that are embarrassing or inconvenient to the regime).
  • Freedom to assemble is a fundamental right — provided that you are rioting, burning and looting in support of BLM, ANTIFA or against the police, law and order or White Supremacy (by which they mean anything or anyone they don’t like). Simply attending a Trump rally could be grounds for loss of employment, fines and imprisonment even if the crime does not include “meandering” through the Capitol Building.
  • The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effect against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated — except when raiding the homes of citizens suspected of harboring forbidden “weapons of war” (any firearm someone might use to resist oppression by a despotic government) or those suspected of other types of resistance against the exercise of tyrannical governmental authority.
  • No person shall be put in jeopardy of life or limb twice for the same offense — except when a “not guilty” verdict contradicts the expressed demands of a favored identity group.
  • No person may be compelled to testify or give evidence against themselves — unless the regime must use exceptional methods to discover the location of hidden arms caches that might be used to resist oppression by a tyrannical government.
  • Cruel and unusual punishment shall not be inflictedexcept that exceptions may be made for White Supremacists (conservatives, Trump supporters, etc.).
  • The enumeration of certain rights in the Constitution shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people — but since no amendment is absolute, there actually are no rights retained by the people except those recognized and permitted by the government. (In other words, there are no rights.)
  • The federal government shall have only the powers granted to it by the Constitution and all other powers are reserved to the states or to the people — except that in cases of emergency (that is, whenever it wants to) the federal government may impose restrictions on individual freedoms that it feels are necessary. (For example, closing schools and businesses, forbidding gatherings for church services, Trump rallies or Thanksgiving Dinners at private homes, requiring the wearing of masks to appear in public or a “Vaccination Passport” in order to travel.)
  • No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law — unless the government suspects them of especially heinous crimes, such as harboring forbidden weapons or war, being White Supremacists or resisting government power.
  • The right to vote may not be denied on the basis of race, color or previous condition of servitude. However, White Supremacists (whatever their race or color) may be disenfranchised to rectify past White Privilege and enforce “equity.”
  • No person shall be eligible to be elected President of the United States more than twice — unless, of course, there is an emergency.

Everybody (even Democrats) like to say, “we are a nation of laws!” but we all know that this is no longer true. We are a nation that is governed by the (almost) unrestrained use of force by our government. “Stroke of the pen–law of the land!” But the “Law of the Land” is the United States Constitution, and those amendments are all a part of that document. Anyone who can read and think can understand what it says and means. Anyone with any sense at all knows what shall not be infringed means. When the right of the American people to arm themselves to counter government tyranny is finally infringed to death, then you can erase that “(almost)” from the paragraph above. And then say goodbye to the 13th Amendment too.

After all, even the amendment abolishing slavery isn’t “absolute.”

Of Course You Realize This means war.

Yesterday I watched a clip of Joe Biden saying, “look, the 2nd Amendment doesn’t say you can’t restrict the kinds of weapons people can own.” It’s the same interview where he said, “Bingo!” to people who say a Biden administration means they’re going to come for their guns. I’d like to add that apparently the 1st Amendment doesn’t say you can’t restrict the kind of things people can say or write on their blogs or Facebook page (such as expressing the belief that the 2020 election was fraudulent). The 1st Amendment doesn’t mean you can’t tell people what kind of news they can watch or report (such as Fox News). The 1st Amendment doesn’t mean you can’t tell people what kind of religious beliefs they can hold (such as believing that taking the life of an unborn child is murder). Next I suppose we will discover that the 4th Amendment doesn’t say that the police can’t break into your house and look for evidence of something for which to convict you, or that the 5th Amendment doesn’t say the police can’t beat a confession out of you if they’re pretty sure you’re guilty.

H.R. 127 is the Democrat’s new gun control bill now before congress. You have to give them this: they go big or they go home–and they don’t intend to go home. When I write something like this, I don’t like to rely on what other people say about the issue, so I looked it up. I don’t want you to (a) take my word for it, or (b) accuse me of making stuff up and go away shaking your head, so I am linking to a copy of H.R. 127 here on my site. My review of it may not be as thorough as that of other “experts” on the subject, because I don’t speak “legalese” and I haven’t got all day to go through this monstrosity, but for what it’s worth, here it is:

  1. Universal Registration: It will establish a universal registration system for all firearms and ammunition in the United States. This registry will be administered by the Attorney General.
  2. Deadline to Register: Firearms owned before the law is passed must be registered within 3 months. After passage, firearms must be registered on the date the firearm is acquired.
  3. Database: The database must be accessible to all law enforcement, all branches of the Armed Forces,[**] all state and local governments, and all members of the public. [That’s right! They want criminals who need a gun to know where exactly they can steal one close by!]
  4. Universal Licensing: It will establish a licensing system for owning firearms and ammunition. You can get a license after a background check; a psychological evaluation that complies with standards set by the Attorney General, is conducted by a psychologist approved by the Attorney General, includes an interview with spouse/former spouse/and at least 2 other persons who are family members or associates; mandatory training; and after obtaining an insurance policy that will cost $800 per year. It will be unlawful to possess a firearm or ammunition unless licensed and compliant with all the other requirements.
  5. Licensing for Antique Firearms: Require licensing in order to display an antique firearm in your home.
  6. “Military-type” weapons are defined as all models, variants and copies of the AK-47, AR-15, TEC-9, Uzi, Galil, Beretta AR70, FN/FAL, M-10 (and other variants), Steyr AUG, any revolving cylinder shotguns, any semiautomatic rifle or handgun that has at least 2 mostly cosmetic characteristics that I wont’ go into here. All of these are added to the list of weapons required to be licensed and registered under the National Firearms Act (NFA) just like machineguns, which includes a $200 tax per firearm.
  7. Penalties for violations of above vary as follows:
    • Violations of 922(aa) [unlicensed possession of a firearm]: fines not less than $75,000 and not more than $150,000, imprisonment not less than 15 years and not more than 25 years, or both.
    • Violations of 922(bb)(1) [transfer a firearm to an unlicensed person]: fines not less than $50,000 and not more than $75,000, imprisonment not less than 10 years and not more than 15 years, or both.
    • Violations of 922(bb)(2) [transfer to another person without notifying the Attorney General]: fines not less than $30,000 and not more than $50,000, imprisonment not less than 5 years and not more than 10 years, or both.
    • Violations of 922(bb)(3) [loaning a firearm to a person without notifying the Attorney General ]: fines not less than $5,000 and not more than $10,000. (No prison! How generous!}
    • Violations of 922(bb)(4) [a person holding a valid license transferring a firearm to a person who is not 18. Note that apparently it is not unlawful for an unlicensed person!]: fines not less than $75,000 and not more than $100,000, imprisonment not less than 15 years and not more than 25 years, or bothunless the transferee possesses or uses the firearm during a crime in which case it’s $100,000 to $150,000 and not less than 25 or more than 40 years.
    • Violations of 922(cc) [failure to have an insurance policy in effect as specified above]: fines not less than $50,000 and not more than $100,000, imprisonment not less than 10 years and not more than 20 years, or both.
  8. “Certain Ammunition:” It will be unlawful to:
    • Possess ammunition .50 caliber or greater
    • Possess a “Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device.”
    • Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices are defined as any feeding device that can hold more than ten (10) rounds of ammunition.
  9. Penalties for violations of above vary as follows:
    • Violations of 922(dd)(1) [possession of ammunition .50 caliber or greater ]: fines not less than $50,000 and not more than $100,000, imprisonment not less than 10 years and not more than 20 years, or both.
    • Violations of 922(dd)(2) [possession of a “large capacity ammunition feeding device]: fines not less than $10,000 and not more than $25,000, imprisonment not less than 1 years and not more than 5 years, or both.

They cannot possibly expect you to believe that all of this is about preventing crime. This is about disarming America’s law-abiding citizens so that they will no longer pose a threat to the agenda of an out of control government. This is about control.

In a previous post I have tried to explain that our rights (including the right to keep and bear arms) are not granted to us by the United States Constitution. Our rights were given to us by God and the government has no legal authority to take them away. They cannot be voted away by a majority of our misguided fellow citizens, they cannot be outlawed by Congress, they cannot be abrogated by Executive Order, and they cannot even be declared “unconstitutional” by a lawless Supreme Court. Our fundamental rights can only be striped from us by lawless, unconstitutional government power wielded by a tyrant. And it can only do so if we allow it.

Please understand this: if the government can do this (see above) to your right to keep and bear arms then they can and eventually will do similar things to all of your other rights, until your “rights” are nothing more than privileges allowed by your government when (and if) it sees fit. Do not accuse me of declaring war on America or even on the lawless federal government. H.R. 127 is nothing less than a declaration of war by our government upon us. Why has our nation’s capital been turned into an armed military encampment? Why does H.R. 127 specifically provide for the United States Military to have access to the database of those licensed to have firearms? [See ** above.] Why are the Democrats, who have for this moment achieved complete control over the legislative and executive branches, so frightened of an armed American citizenry?

“A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
— 2nd Amendment, U.S. Bill of Rights

Does H.R. 127 look like “infringement” to you? As I wrote before, the Second Amendment does not describe a right to hunt, target shoot or even protect yourself from criminals. The Second Amendment describes the right of American citizens to “alter or abolish” their government should it become “destructive of these ends” [securing our unalienable rights]. “Military-type” weapons are exactly the type of arms that the Second Amendment described a right for us to possess and laws like H.R. 127 established by governments like the one now in power in Washington, D.C. are exactly why the right to keep and bear arms is so vital to the “security of a free state.”

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
— U.S. Declaration of Independence

I ask, does H.R. 127 evince a design to reduce us under absolute Despotism?

Signed copies of Up in Arms: Clinging to Freedom in the Shadow of Tyranny, are now available directly from the author for $9. For details contact authorcopies@rkpaden.com.

Reichstag Burning

[All Quotes from –Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire]

The Reichstag fire (German: Reichstagsbrand, was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday 27 February 1933, precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Hitler’s government stated that Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch council communist, was the culprit, and it attributed the fire to communist agitators. A German court decided later that year that Van der Lubbe had acted alone, as he had claimed. The day after the fire, the Reichstag Fire Decree was passed. The Nazi Party used the fire as a pretext to claim that communists were plotting against the German government, which made the fire pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany

Gina Carano got fired from her gig at Disney for reminding people that the Jews couldn’t be rounded up and murdered until the German government managed to get their neighbors to hate them, a reference to the demonizing of conservatives by Democrats, the left, the mainstream media, pop culture, and so on. It seems that comparing someone to Hitler or the Nazis is just about the worst thing you can do these days–unless you are on the left comparing Donald Trump, Republicans and conservatives to Hitler or calling them Nazis. I just searched “Trump compared to Hitler” and in addition to a few articles detailing how many times Donald Trump was compared to Hitler (at least 9 or so specific instances) there were also plenty of articles actually comparing Trump to Hitler. I bring that up because I am about to compare what happened on February 27, 1933 and afterwards in Germany and what happened on January 6, 2021 and the days following in the United States of America.

People often forget that Adolf Hitler was democratically elected. I don’t know if his election was as fraudulent as our 2020 presidential election, but Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany. The power that office provided him, though, was not sufficient to accomplish his objectives. An emergency was needed.

The responsibility for the Reichstag fire remains a topic of debate and research.[3][4] The Nazis accused the Comintern of the act. However, some historians believe, based on archive evidence, that the arson had been planned and ordered by the Nazis as a false flag operation.

Hitler urged President Paul von Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree to suspend civil liberties and pursue a “ruthless confrontation” with the Communist Party of Germany.[2] After the decree was issued, the government instituted mass arrests of communists, including all of the Communist Party’s parliamentary delegates. With their bitter rival communists gone and their seats empty, the Nazi Party went from having a plurality to a majority, thus enabling Hitler to consolidate his power.

Right now the Democrats hold the White House, a razor-thin majority in the House and a tie-breaker majority in the Senate. But they are concerned that this is not going to be enough to effect the complete transformation of the United States that they have promised their radical socialist base.

Whoever planned the riot of January 6, 2021 and whoever executed it, it is clear that the Democrats fully intend to capitalize on the event. They are calling for a “war on domestic terror” by which they mean anyone who resists their radical reshaping of American society. They are calling for the establishment of a “Truth Commission” (Ministry of Propaganda) to ferret out “lies and disinformation” (opinions contrary to theirs and facts that are inconvenient or embarrassing) and to mobilize and direct America’s intelligence agencies toward its citizens (their own Secret Police). And under Nancy Pelosi’s control, with no explanation or description of any specific credible threat, they have festooned our nation’s capitol with razor wire, walls and fences and armed National Guard troops. [Walls and National Guard troops at our border with Mexico: immoral. Walls and National Guard troops surrounding Nancy Pelosi and their nascent authoritarian regime: just fine!]

If all of that is not enough to scare the hell out of you, consider that one of the first priorities of the Democrat Congress and President Joe Biden is going to be licensing, registering, banning and confiscating the firearms of America’s militia–the one that is “necessary to the security of a free state.”

Our God-given right to keep and bear arms for the defense of our liberty is needed now more than ever before in our nation’s history.

How I know the 2020 Election was stolen

You know by now. I sometimes write dangerous things. This post is going to be another one, because there are few things you can do right now that are more dangerous than asserting that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen from Donald Trump.

There are very sound constitutional grounds to question the outcome of the 2020 election. The U.S. Constitution was violated in several instances where the election laws in some key states were changed by “extra-constitutional” means. Democratic lawsuits secured changes in election laws (rather than by the state legislature as required by the Constitution) effecting a vast expansion of mail-in balloting at the same time that scrutiny of mail-in ballots was virtually eliminated. And so while the number of mail-in ballots grew exponentially the percentage of invalid mail-in ballots dropped to almost nothing. Of course, it was this tsunami of unaccountable mail-in ballots that gave Biden his margin of victory in the key battleground states.

And contrary to what is said every day on the television, there is a lot of evidence of fraud. Sworn affidavits from individuals who witnessed incredibly bold manipulations of the election system: truckloads of ballots carried by postal workers from New York to Philadelphia on election night, groups of people filling out hundreds or thousands of blank ballots just outside of counting centers, videos of cases of ballots brought from underneath tables and counted after poll-watchers are sent home, boxes and boxes of fresh, new ballots, never folded, all marked for Joe Biden and nothing else. I could go on and on, but there’s something even more significant that convinces me that not only was this election stolen right out from under the noses of the American electorate, just about everybody knows it.

It is as if there was a brazen daylight robbery on Main Street. Armed men swarmed into a jewelry store, forced patrons to lie on the floor, smashed cases and filled bags with loot. They took the proprietor into the back room and forced him to open the safe and cleaned it out. When they were finished, they backed out the door and warned everyone, “don’t call the police…or else!” Of course the proprietor did call the police, but that’s when it really got strange. The cops came out, took a quick look around and determined that no robbery took place. Dumbfounded, the store owner brought out the CCTV video showing the robbers pushing people around, smashing cases, scooping up the jewelry. The police took a quick look and determined that the video was not evidence a robbery took place. Eyewitnesses who were in the store came forward, eager to tell what they saw, but the police refused to listen to them. The store owner spoke to the press, but they also declared that there was “nothing to see here” and turned their backs. Finally, the owner went to court, hoping for justice, but the judge summarily threw out his suit, refusing to even look at any of the evidence. Most telling, the police, the media, the DA’s office and everyone in government tried to get witnesses to change their story and warned them to be silent. People who declared that there had been a robbery and asked what the hell was going on were threatened with legal action. They lost their jobs when their employers were pressured to fire them. Their banks closed their accounts. Their attorneys told them that they couldn’t represent them anymore. Whenever they tried to tell anyone that store had been robbed, powerful voices stepped up and called them liars, darkly hinting that they might be enemies of democracy, insurrectionists or terrorists. They were eliminated from social media platforms so that they couldn’t keep spreading their “disinformation.” Finally, even some people who actually saw the robbery take place began to agree that it never happened, doubting what they had seen with their own eyes. The store owner who wouldn’t shut up was prosecuted and branded a terrorist, along with anybody who continued to parrot the “lie” that there had ever been a robbery.

And yet everybody knew that there had been a robbery. The only conclusion that you could draw was that the police, the DA’s office, the press, the social media platforms–the powers that were forcing people into silence had somehow been complicit in the robbery, had profited by it, and had a good reason to enforce the lie that it had never happened.

Sometimes the coverup is even more informative than the evidence itself.