Tag Archives: terrorism

Pest Control

Few things brought this nation together the way that the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 did. Now, after twenty years of memes, posters, songs and slogans reminding us to “never forget” it is appropriate that we reflect on the fact that, apparently, we did forget. Now we should prepare ourselves for something like it or worse to happen again, because it is going to.

I keep hearing that “everybody agrees that we had to get out of Afghanistan.” That is a lie. I don’t agree, and I’m sure that there are others who think the same way. It is true that we spent a trillion dollars,* thousands of lives and twenty years in that country, but why did we go there? Yes, to get the ones who planned and executed the terror attack of 9/11, but there was more to it than that.

I’m not talking about “nation building.” Over the last two decades, many of the people of Afghanistan (women, in particular) learned what it was like to live in a semi-democratic civilized country. They have lost that now, and I’m sorry for them, but that is not my major concern. It’s hard to find any example throughout human history where freedom was given to a people who kept it for any period of time. Enduring freedom is never granted or given; it is won, and right now there are men in Afghanistan who are still fighting for their freedom. But their cause is almost hopeless. They will get no help and we just armed their enemies beyond imagination. They are invisible, hidden by our traitorous news media, betrayed by our treasonous leaders and forgotten by the same people who forgot what happened twenty years ago in New York City, Washington DC and a field in Pennsylvania.

Yes, the cost of the war in Afghanistan was high, but not as costly as ignoring an enemy who is bent on our destruction. We should consider what we got for the blood and treasure. When America first ventured into that nation, often called the “Graveyard of Empires,” I heard it said quite often: “we are taking the war to them over there so that we do not have to fight them over here.” And that’s what we did. We fought them over there and as a result we enjoyed twenty years of relative peace at home. Yes, there were some “lone wolf” attacks like the Boston Marathon bombing, but no airplanes flown into buildings, no nukes set off in New York harbor, no anthrax released in the Mall of America.

Everyone who owns a house knows that you don’t spray for roaches one time and then sit back and relax.** “No more roaches! They’re all gone!” No, pest control is a never-ending task, because they will come back. We spray for roaches. We treat for termites. We call in the experts to evict the mice from our crawl spaces and the bats from our attics. It never ends. It is a task that you must continue for as long as you own your home or accept living with roaches, termites, mice and bats. In fact, the worst of it was behind us, the fumigation, the stink of insecticide, the major expenses. We had the roach problem under control.

And then we just quit. The roaches didn’t go away forever, so we gave up. It is as if we spent a trillion dollars, twenty years and a thousand lives building a big mansion and then one day we said, “this house costs too damn much!” So we just got up and walked out. No, it’s worse than that. It’s as if we abandoned the house to a bunch of people who hate our guts, want to kill us, and now have a nice big house in which to plan their next attack. We even left our gun collection behind for them.

The Soviet Union/Russia didn’t go away, and we still have troops all over Europe helping NATO keep the Western World safe for democracy. North Korea and China didn’t go away, and we still have troops in South Korea, protecting everything below the 38th parallel from the scourge of communism. We have troops all over the world in places where America’s national interest requires–some more, some less–but we don’t just quit and go home because the threats to our security didn’t go away after a few years.

Why was Afghanistan different? I have my ideas and opinions. It is really hard–impossible even–to imagine how the Biden administration could have done more to damage America, destroy its reputation around the world and lay the groundwork for future gut-wrenching agony and loss than the manner in which they disregarded our national interests and those of our allies in Afghanistan. But you know, it’s also hard to imagine any way that America’s future could be more imperiled than by utterly abandoning our nation’s southern border to an outright invasion by the drug cartels and a horde of third-world escapees with (as hard as it is to imagine) even less knowledge of our nation’s history and tradition of liberty than the average graduate from a Chicago public high school. It’s hard to think of any way to encourage runaway inflation, crush our economy and bankrupt America than the utterly out of control spending the Democrats have indulged since gaining their thinnest possible majority in Congress. And even as a writer of fiction, it beggars my imagination to invent anything as absurd as a President of the United States crippling our newly achieved energy independence at home while boosting the energy sector of our nation’s enemies and fostering the dependence of our allies on them. It just doesn’t make any sense.

Until it occurs to you that perhaps harming, crippling and destroying America is the goal. Until you realize that perfidy may hide behind senility, and treason may disguise itself as incompetence.

Either way, the roaches will be back before long. Count on it.



*Please don’t whine about the money. We have wasted a lot more money on so many stupid things that brought us no benefit and even harmed us. Of all the trillions that Democrats have spent in just the last few months, how much of that money will go to fund left-wing activists, “Green New Deal” warriors, socialist and communist colleges and their programs, BLM and Critical Race Theory whores, all helping to accelerate our destruction? Not to mention the millions that will be funneled off to the pockets of crooked politicians, their donors, families and friends.

**Credit to Greg Gutfeld for this spot-on analogy. But even though this is his thought, inexplicably, he still says that “we had to get out of Afghanistan.”

Home of the brave

President Trump left the hospital yesterday, and he made a short speech, calling on Americans not to let Covid-19 “dominate” them. “Don’t be afraid of it,” he told us. Not unexpectedly, the Democrats, leftists and mainstream media (pretty-much all one in the same) went insane over his comments. They are furious that the president would dare to tell Americans not to fear Covid-19.

In my last blog, I wrote about projection and how common it is for the left to accuse their enemies in general and Mr. Trump in particular of exactly what they are doing. Most likely, they are simply following the tactical advice of their philosophical progenitor, Karl Marx. But it is also possible that this is truly psychological projection: seeing in others what you know is in yourself. They think that Trump and the Republicans want to use fear to manipulate and control America’s citizens because that is exactly what they do, day in and day out.

Climate Crisis: “If we don’t do something about it in the next 12 years, it’s going to be too late!” Hurricanes and tornadoes will multiply. California will burn down. The seas will rise. Coastal cities will disappear. Polar bears will go hungry. We are all going to die. It’s true (and they know it) that there is not one shred of actual scientific evidence that man has anything to do with rising global temperatures (and not a whole lot of evidence that global temperatures are actually rising significantly). And it’s true that they have been making these dire predictions for the last 30 years. But none of that matters, because they hope that fear of these things can stampede Americans into accepting sweeping, outrageous and draconian restrictions on our liberties.

BLM and Racism: “Racist white cops (and black ones too) are cruising the streets, just looking for a young black man that they can kill.” I really can’t gauge how many young black men have fallen for this lie, because in all of the videos I’ve seen of the “peaceful” protests/riots in American cities, most of the masked faces I see seem to be college age white kids. Statistical evidence proves that this is a lie, and just based on common sense I think that ordinary young black men probably do not seriously believe that cops are hunting them down with murderous intent. Antifa and the communist revolutionaries are probably the primary source of the unrest–and that should not surprise us, since Black Lives Matter is an avowedly Marxist organization intent on overthrowing our system of government and our freedom. But African-Americans are not the sole target of this campaign of fear. If Donald Trump is reelected, it’s going to get worse…much worse, they assert ominously. “There ain’t no light at the end of the tunnel,” says Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. If Trump wins, “f***ing cities will burn,” says a Sanders staffer. The message is clear: vote for us or we will burn this country down. They hope that their message of fear will sway American voters.

Covid-19: If you’ll give it some thought, you will remember that the virus first raised it’s ugly head just as the Democrat impeachment fiasco was reaching its absurd climax, and they and the mainstream media dismissed it as a distraction from the real story of Donald Trump’s treasonous quid-pro-quo and “obstruction of justice.” When President Trump closed the borders to travel from China, Biden called it “hysterical” and “xenophobic,” and the mainstream media condemned the action as useless showboating. But as soon as it became clear that their original optimism based on the reassurances of the Communist Chinese Party was wrong, they ramped up the fear-machine, predicting “2.2 million” deaths in the United States from the novel coronavirus of 2019. (“200 million” is the number that worked its way deep into Joe Biden’s head and continues to pop up there from time to time as Covid-19 mortality and, occasionally, the number of Americans killed by guns in the last decade or so.) Two hundred thousand was the number sometimes offered as the minimum, if we “did everything right.” In deep blue states and cities, Democrat governors and mayors were quick to use fear of the Wuhan Virus as a means to seize extraordinary “emergency” powers–powers that they are extremely reluctant to now relinquish. Telling everyone else what they can and cannot do is, after all, what tyrants enjoy most, and they will never let a good crisis go to waste. Entire state economies were shut down and millions lost their jobs. Small businesses closed for good, while mega-businesses like Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot and Lowe’s did extremely well. Liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries were allowed to stay open as “essential,” while health clubs, gyms and beauty salons were ordered closed (except when Nancy Pelosi or Mayor Lori Lightfoot needed a trim). Churches and synagogues were ordered closed and the religious disobedient were threatened with arrest and told that their rights “had been suspended.” For the most part, Americans accepted these unconstitutional orders, fearing the virus as much as the wrath of their despotic rulers.

Fear, fear, fear. People who are afraid are easy to control. That’s what terrorists know. That’s why terrorism is effective. That’s why what the Democrats and the left are doing to America now is nothing short of political terrorism. When Donald Trump stands up before the American people and tells them not to be afraid, he is demonstrating that he is exactly the kind of leader that we need now.

Fear is un-American! The first Americans faced a perilous journey halfway across the world to reach this continent. It was a rich land, but life was harsh and dangerous. Many starved, fell victim to pestilence or hostile natives. When the first settlements were secure, fearless men and women took their families and struck out into the wilderness, carving homesteads and farms out of the deep forests. Fearless Americans stood up to the greatest empire on earth at that time to win their freedom. Americans conquered the western lands, fighting for every inch of their new nation. Brave Americans went back across the seas twice to fight tyranny in the lands they had left, winning two world wars. Americans crossed the empty sky to reach the moon and place the flag of our nation there on its barren, lifeless soil.

I stand with Donald Trump one-hundred percent. We should not fear this virus. We should not fear “climate crisis.” We should not fear those who threaten us with violence if we do not obediently say “Black Lives Matter” when they harass us at our tables. We should not be afraid to speak out, say what we believe, put bumper stickers on our cars and signs in our yard. With some of these, the danger is real and others it is imaginary, but even if the danger is real, we should stand with our forefathers who did not fear the unknown forests to the west, the hostile indigenous peoples, the pestilence, the hunger, the darkness or the uncharted emptiness of space.

We are Americans, we are not cowards, and we will defeat this enemy just as we have defeated so many others. And God willing, in about one month, we will show the Democrats, the socialists, the leftists, the statists, the mainstream media, George Soros, BLM and Antifa that we do not fear them. Bring on your worst and we will give it back to you, because we are Americans and we are not afraid.

Does America still have the guts to stand up to terrorism?

We just remembered the 19th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001. The terrorists dealt us a terrible blow, but we stood up, stood together and struck back. As I watched the ceremonies on television, I wondered if America still has the guts that we demonstrated back then, because we are under a direct terrorist assault right now that is unprecedented in our history. The next few months will demonstrate if we are still the United States of America, or sheep.

Terrorism is the use of fear and intimidation to accomplish a political goal. Terrorism is exactly what the Democrats/Socialists (at some point we’re no longer going to need to make any distinction there) are using right now to try to keep conservative America quiet and cowed. “Do you think the violence is going to stop if Donald Trump gets reelected?” Biden asks. “The protests are going to continue, and they should,” says Kamala Harris. NY Governor Cuomo warns that “Trump is going to need an army to protect him if he comes back to New York.” You know that it is true: there are many places in the country today–lots of them–where you dare not go wearing a MAGA or TRUMP 2020 hat unless you are prepared to be harassed and perhaps killed or else protect yourself and then face prosecution for doing it. Now, with the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the temperature of the rhetoric has risen noticeably. “Over our dead bodies! Literally!” Tweeted former CNN host Reza Aslan, and later “if they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f–ing thing down.” Some other recent quotes:

  • “We’re shutting this country down if Trump and McConnell try to ram through an appointment before the election.”
  • “If the democrats don’t fight, the people are going to have to march on Washington and just shut it down ourselves.”
  • “F— no. Burn it all down.”

Particularly regarding the nomination of a replacement for RBG, Democratic lawmakers are making unusually direct threats. Nancy Pelosi is hinting that the Democratic-controlled House may impeach Trump again in order to prevent the Senate from holding hearings for a nominee, and Chuck Schumer is warning that next year “everything will be on the table” if Republicans proceed. Since the House has already impeached President Trump over absolutely nothing and Democrats in the Senate have already stated that they intend to eliminate the filibuster, pack the court and expand their seats in the Senate by seeking statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., one wonders what more they could have in mind.

The Democrats are trying to create an atmosphere in our nation just like they have already succeeded in fostering on college campuses, where contrary voices will be silenced and political goals achieved by intimidation if possible, violence if necessary. You’d better do as we say, they are warning, or things are going to get much, much worse.

America has gotten the message. Everyone knows it now, even if they will not admit it. If Joe Biden wins, Trump supporters will be furious (especially since they will be pretty sure that the election was stolen using millions of fraudulent mail-in ballots) but they aren’t going to fill the streets and start hurling things at cops, burning down small businesses and looting Target Stores.

But if Joe Biden loses, hell is going to break out in America’s streets. What we’re seeing now is just a warning: let us win or else.

Does America still have the guts to stand up to terrorism? We will find out in a few weeks.